The Physical Act of Touch

The Physical Act of Touch

One quality that is generally overlooked during a yoga training is how tactile and sensitive your padas (feet) and hastas (hands) become. Our padas and hastas literally hold us up, help to hold on, they press down, rise up, grip, expand, express, release, absorb,...
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Self Regulation Guide

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Self Regulation Guide

There’s a bucket load of activity being illuminating during this alignment. Here’s a few self regulating tools and techniques to help harness, ground and navigate this cosmic time. Make self care a priority Feeling over worked, under pressure, stressed, stretched and...
Refine your…. What?

Refine your…. What?

Knowing what you are passionate about is one thing but knowing how to act and to put everything into place to make it happen is a whole other story! How often have you started working on a project then find yourself stuck and unable to progress due to lack of...
The Struggle is Real {for the courageous amongst us}

The Struggle is Real {for the courageous amongst us}

Recently I saw a Facebook post which had an image of someone meditating and a quote saying ‘I meditate, burn candles, practice yoga and I still want to slap someone’.
 Believe it or not, this is true for many who practice and teach yoga, including myself. I am not one...

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